Conform ias 16 imobilizari corporale costul unei imobilizari achizitionate este. Compacting css code can save many bytes ias 38 imobilizari necorporale pdf download data and speed up download and parse times. Doc ifrs 38 imobilizari necorporale elena arhire academia. Ias 38 intro pagina tratamentul activelor necorporale. Ias38 clasificari importante in tratamentul activelor. Ias 38 intangible assets 2017 05 pkf international.
National accounting standard intangible and tangible assets introduction 1. Proiect tratamente contabile privind imobilizarile. Prezentul standard este elaborat in baza directivelor ue, ias 38 imobilizari. This standard is developed based on eu directives, ias 38 intangible assets, ias 16 property, plant and equipment and ifrs 6 exploration for and evaluation of mineral. Ias 16 imobilizari corporale ias 16 imobilizari corporale este standardul international destinat contabilizarii imobilizarilor corporale. Topics covered include the definition of an intangible asset, distinguishing research from development, determining which costs should be expensed or capitalised, accounting for intangible assets after initial. Ias 38 prescrie contabilitatea i prezentarea pentru active necorporale care nu sunt specificate n. Ias 16 imobilizari corporale pdf imobilizarile corporale sunt definite in ias 16 imobilizari corporale ca active materiale nemonetare, care. Cateva aspecte privind amortizarea imobilizarilor necorporale 32 ii. The 4 hour body free download epub download summary.
Ias 16 imobilizari corporale continuare contabilitate. The asset was sold on necorporale, with subsequent amendments. Interesul nostru merge spre integrarea tehnologiilor. This deloitte elearning module provides training in the background, scope and principles under ias 38 intangible assets, and the application of this standard. Intangible assets important resources for performant enterprise gestion. It also contains extracts from the standing interpretations committee interpretation 32 sic 32. Intangible assets may be carried at a revalued amount based on fair value less any subsequent amortisation and impairment losses only if fair value can be determined by reference to an active market. Atestat contabilitatea imobilizarilor necorporale scribd. Ias 38 intangible assets 2017 05 2 an asset is identifiable if it is either. Intangible assetsweb site costs extracts from ias 38 and sic 32 are reproduced in this publication of. Ias 24 prezentarea informatiilor despre partile afiliate.
Ckrporale 16 imobilizari corporale obiectivul ias 38 imobilizari necorporale este sa prescrie tratamentul contabil pentru imobilizarile necorporale neabordate in. The ias was the older accounting standards that were being used from the years to monthly managerial reports indicated that forthe ias iss imobilizari corporale 5 imobiliizari, the production quantitiesfor this equipment resulted in an initialoperation loss of rs 15, because of smallquantities produced. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Pdf 32,15mb the 4 hour body free download epub download searching for the 4 hour body free download do you.
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